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Jan Tenhaven


By Jan Tenhaven

On 06, May 2024 | In | By Jan Tenhaven


30 Min. | Documentary  | ZDF | Nordend Film | 2024

Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 has changed life for Jews in Germany. Hatred against them seems to be growing. How do they deal with it?

“The film is oppressive, but its outstanding quality is due to a conceptual decision in the 37 Degrees segment: While the authors on this program slot often present themselves as omniscient, because their comments always suggest they can see into the minds and hearts of the people in front of the camera, Tenhaven has completely refrained from any kind of explanation.”
-Tilman P. Ganglof (

“Perhaps »Schock Schalom« is one of the most important documentaries currently available. It shows directly, but with a lot of sensitivity, how Jewish people are doing by simply letting them speak for themselves.”
-Jüdische Allgemeine

“Tenhaven clearly demonstrates that there is a Jewish religiosity and a Jewish culture, but that these two spheres are not necessarily identical. The same applies to Israelis and Israeli government policies. (…) Jan Tenhaven has succeeded in creating a nuanced and deeply moving snapshot of Jewish society.”
-epd Medien


Religious symbols are concealed, Jewish institutions have to be guarded, attacks on Jews are on the increase. What does this do to young people who should actually be concerned with their education, their first love, parties and friends?

Alice (24) from Munich studies psychology and works as a doorman. She would have hoped for more solidarity with the Jewish community from her fellow citizens in Germany after 7 October.

Anton Tsirin (29) from Essen is an actor and is involved in Jewish youth work. He has currently withdrawn from interfaith projects.

Munich student Aviva Lapke (23) is involved in the Association of Jewish Students in Bavaria and speaks at rallies. Among other things, she fights against fake news in connection with the Middle East conflict.

Berliners Adam (39) and Eyal (27) perform as “Two Jews” in comedy clubs. Their jokes don’t even stop at the Holocaust and 7 October.

The Berlin sisters Emily (20) and Paula Kamecke (15) are not religious, but since 7 October they have come to terms with their Jewish identity more than ever before.

As orthodox Jews, Meira (21) from Stuttgart and her husband Simon (29) strictly observe the rules of dress and diet. The young parents largely steer clear of political issues.

Nika (22) from Osnabrück wants to become a successful rapper and music producer. Judaism hardly plays a role in his life.

Nogah (18) from Berlin is just finishing her A-levels. Her friendship with a Palestinian classmate is currently being put to the test.

Samuel (26) from Berlin lives a strictly religious life and is training to become a rabbi. His kippah makes him visible as a Jew and he tries to avoid public transport for safety reasons.

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